Design MUSE

Design Muse inspire creativeness in a professional way

Design Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness  from within us. What is Design ? A visual plan showing your idea about functioning of a utility product means design Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creativity. In mythology muse is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Topics of this blog Mind Teaser Activity Learn DIY Arts and crafts Basic Design course question sets Advanced Design course  question sets  DIY Painting tutorials

Colour Theory

Colours is one of the element in Design theory.

In color theory colours are classified into different categories. The categories are

Warm and Cool colours, Complementary colours, Analogous colours, Triadic Colours, Rectangle tetradic Colours.

All these are effectively used by designers.

Warm and Cool Colours.

In colour theory Colours are divided in warm and cool colours.

Here are the list of colours

Warm colours : Red, Yellow, Orange.  Combinations of these three colours brings out more shades of warm colours.

Cool Colours:  Blue, Violet, Green. Variations of these three colours brings out more shades of cool colours.

Difference between warm and cool colours.
Warm colours are Red, Yellow, orange, Taken from Primary and secondary colours.
Warm colours Brightens the mood of the viewer.
Warm colours attracts attention it is full of energy actionn and excitement.
Ex. Many restaurants will have red, orange colour card menu. These colours stimulate appetite.

Cool colours are blue, green violet. Taken from Primary and secondary colours.
Cool colours balance's the mind and helps in inward focus.
Cool colours brings calmness to mind, more logical and analytical thinking gets developed.
Ex. Many hospitals apply green, blue paint colours on the walls in their surgical wards. Violet colour enhances meditativeness.
