Design MUSE

Design Muse inspire creativeness in a professional way

Design Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness  from within us. What is Design ? A visual plan showing your idea about functioning of a utility product means design Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creativity. In mythology muse is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Topics of this blog Mind Teaser Activity Learn DIY Arts and crafts Basic Design course question sets Advanced Design course  question sets  DIY Painting tutorials

Observation Skills

Observation skills


Observation skills means the use all five of our senses to recognise, analyze and recall our surroundings. All our senses are recording what we see, smell, feel, hear all the time.This practice is often associated with mindfulness because it encourages you to be present and be aware of the details of our daily life. 

Engage yourself in observation skill games

Solving puzzles and playing brain teaser games, is also another way of developing observation skills. Solving puzzles will develop concentration.

In this quiz you will have to name what the particular footwear is called. It is interesting as you will come to know the different names this called around the world.

Draw still life drawings or create/colour mindful art.

Still life drawings require complete attention by the artist to look at the object that they are drawing. The artist observes the different intensity of light and shadow upon the object. So seeing intently and reproducing the art will increase the ability to perceive details. This will increase observational skills

In this video you will see  repeated shapes design being drawn. 

Take the time to write things down.

If you see any thing interesting write them down in a journal. If you listen to anything interesting write your findings. This will improve your own awareness. And observing details in daily life will became natural.

Learn to be silent

When you are silent. When there is no distraction of people and electronic gadgets, the senses are able to see, smell, hear natural sounds, feel the air in environment better. One is able to recall everything very fast.

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