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Design MUSE Design Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way Brings Out Unparalleled Creativity From Within You. Focuses on art design courses and  interesting art / craft and mind developing activities. What is Design ?: A visual plan showing your idea about functioning of a utility product means design Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creativity. In mythology muse is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Topics of this blog Mind Teaser Activity Learn DIY Arts and crafts Basic Design course question sets Advanced Design course  question sets

Drawing Shading Techniques

Shading is used in drawing for depicting a range of light and darkness from the tools used to bring to the images in realistic way. 

Drawing Shading Techniques
Pencil shading techniques

We all know that there is no outline around any objects that we see in reality. So in shading, an object is drawn on a two dimensional surface, and the artist has to bring out the depth shadow, light falling in a realistic way with out drawing outlines.

This requires lot of practice. 

There are four drawing shading techniques mentioned here:

1) Hatching, 2) Cross hatching, 3) Scrumbling 4) Stippling method.

Drawing Shading Techniques, pencil
Drawing shading Techniques

All of them look easy. It can be mastered in short time. To bring out the best as an artist one will have to  practice a lot.

See visually, the shading techniques in this video.

To learn pencil shading there are may different drawing pencils that one can use.

1)  Which drawing pencils to use.

We all use HB pencils for writing. HB means dark and black. We also use B, 2B,3B, 4B, 5B , highest in the B range pencils is 10B. B means extra black. Know more about pencils. You will be able to create the darkest shade in your drawings.

2)  Know grey value scale for shading.

To get control on how to bring out different intensity in shading using pencils one must be good in value scale drawing. Here using the pencil one can bring out shades from the lightest to the darkest.

Here I am showing in this video visually how to do so.

 3)  Why learn pencil shading.
Learning to draw and do pencil shading helps one to develop focus and concentration. The artist / designers develop good memory. Observational skill gets developed. This is good for our own holistic development as human beings. We will be able to function with much more self awareness in our daily lives.
Apart from this you create good sketches, in the commercial business world you can give good visual inputs while brainstorming in a team.

  4) Practice helps.

Practice and develop this skill of pencil shading. In the image below you will see a drawing of a cup with hatching and cross hatching method. 

Drawing shading techniques hatching , cross hatching point and scrumbling
Drawing shading techniques

Now you would like to know why shading in drawing started.
Drawing is used to express one's thoughts in a visual way. In the beginning ideas were chiseled on stone surface or Carved on wood. 
Invention of pencils and paper  made it easier for artists to quickly jot down their ideas and latter finalise them in detail on canvas or in three dimension way.

Pencil sketching led to shading of the drawings according to my guess.

Shading of drawings in the present scenario is a skill in itself. Many  art and design universities keep still life drawing as means of entrance test for the students applying for these colleges. 

Pencil shading drawing adds life to two dimensional drawing and gives realistic appeal.

Below are drawing pencils options for artists.  

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