Art Muse

Art Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way

Art Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness from within us. What is Art? A conscious use of skill in the production of aesthetically useful objects in our daily life.  Communicating ideas visually.   A collection of skills acquired in the form of painting, sketching, sculpture digital, videography, photography to communicate ideas to people in visual form is called Arts. .... R.Rajasekhara. Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creative.  In mythology MUSE is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Every individual is an artist. Everyone creates and shines in a different and unique ways.  One must know the methods to bring out their ideas and represent them in 2 D or in 3D way. This is where drawing, sketching, crafts tutorials will help to enhance the ability to communicate  visually. Topics of this blog Games and Q uizzes DIY ...

Typography Element

We use letters as a means of communication. We use different designed letters daily in various media like newspapers, signages notebooks, textbooks, currency, posters and many more. This designed letters are called typography.  A designer has to carefully choose different types of letters to insert in their media designs. The designed letters or typography retains the readers attention  on to the particular message. 
Typography Elements
Typography elements

Typography is an element of design

A designer learns all the elements of design to give an overall appeal to the target audience. 


Fonts are classified into three groups.

 1. Serif


 3. Script

Serif: A serif is the pointed ending of a stroke . This is inspired by the letters carved on stones. Serif fonts are known for their readability and is widely used in text composition for books newspapers, magazines. Examples of this font are "Times Roman", "Garamond".

Sans Serifs: Sans means without. Sans serif means without Serif. Sans Serif have block endings.. All the lines top to bottom and left to right have same thickness, This font gives modern look and is widely used in packages, websites, mobile, phone interfaces. Examples of this type of fonts are "Ariel", "Helvetica".

Script: Script fonts recreate the visual styling of calligraphy. The letters give a brush script look. There is a slant of letters and the thickness of the strokes vary.  These fonts give a personal look to the reader. This kind of fonts are used for wedding invitation cards, personnel notes, Gift cards. Examples of script fonts are "brush script"

Examples of Serif, Sans Serif and script font given below:

Typography - Serif

Typography- Sans Serif

Typography- Script

Graph means to design, Type is referred to set of letters. Hence Typography. "Designing of letters"

Features of a font

There are a set of elements that enhance the reading ability and also helps in retaining attention in designs where only text is used.

These features contribute to the optimum ability visibility of printed words.

Point size: Size of fonts are generally specified in point size. In typography the smallest unit of measure is a point.This is shown as "pt".

1 inch =72points

1point = 0.353mm

1point = 0.0139inch

Leading: This is the space between lines of text. In digital typography leading is the space between successive baselines. Space between lines is again decreased or increased using points in a compute.

Typography design theory
Typography design theory

In the above two sentence the space between the lines is very close. So we can say the leading is less.
Typography design theory

Typography design theory

In the above two sentence the space between the lines is very increased. So we can say the leading is more. 

Weight : In typography the letters appearance is called the weight. Letters can 

bold , thin, regular, extra black.

Here are few examples. 

Typography = regular

Typography = bold

Width :  The amount of space taken by letter forms can change as per design.  If while designing the space is less the designers condense the letters to fit into the space. Again if there is more space and less content, the designer will expand the letters to balance the space. 

Elements of Typography
Typography Element
Style: Different typographical styles like italics and narrow and bold can be used creatively to enhance designs. 

Text Formatting

When we read different books, newspapers or any other written matter, The designer arranges the letter in a pleasing way so that the viewer does not have to strain their eyes. it helps in retaining the attention for a longer period of time.

After a text is selected, it is arranged suitably by the designer. Text is formatted in these ways


a) Left Alignment b) Right Alignment c) Justify d) Centralised

Text formatting Typography element

 Bubble : Bubble is an unwanted white space which appears between words. 

 River: A series of  vertical white spaces between a set of lines which creates an   undesirable view and also causes the reader to lose interest in reading.

Widow : 

A word or the last syllable which is at the end of the paragraph is called widow. It is typographically distracting to the reader.


An isolated word at the top or beginning of a coloumn or new page is called orphan. Orphan confuses the reader because they are separated from the main column.


Typography Elements
Typography elements

One can create beautiful letters artistically on their own which can be used for any   specific advertisement, logos, banner, slogan, greeting cards and many more.  This will give a very personal touch to the design. It will also be very unique.

 Here is one visually representing artistic free hand drawing.

Make your text design more appealing download free fonts. You will know the trends in typography.