Design MUSE

Design Muse inspire creativeness in a professional way

Design MUSE Design Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way Brings Out Unparalleled Creativity From Within You. Focuses on art design courses and  interesting art / craft and mind developing activities. What is Design ?: A visual plan showing your idea about functioning of a utility product means design Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creativity. In mythology muse is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Topics of this blog Mind Teaser Activity Learn DIY Arts and crafts Basic Design course question sets Advanced Design course  question sets

Value Scale in Art

 Value Scale

Value Scale in art means an artist using their skills has the ability to bring out using drawing pencils shades from light to darkest. In this method the artist has to apply different pressure on the pencil to bring out the lightest shade to the darkest shades.

To bring out the lightest shade one has to hold the pencil almost at the furthest point from the lead.

To bring the darkest shade on has to hold the pencil as close as possible towards the lead. 

How to draw a value scale using pencils?

Value Scale in Art pencils
Value Scale in Art


Draw a 5 inch box and create inch partitions.


Begin shading the first box the darkest. Hold the pencil very close to the lead and apply pressure while filling the first box. 


Move to the second box. move your fingers and hols the pencil slightly away from the lead.


Like this for each subsequent boxes move your fingers away from the lead and apply the pencil strokes with less pressure. You will come to the end of the box with lightest shade.

Here is a visual video to understand how to create different shades from a single pencil.

Value Scale Video

Beautiful pencil shading drawings using value scales. 

Here in this pencil drawing you will see how easily the artist can bring out different shades and also the shadows using drawing pencils.

Value scale in art
Value Scale in art. Hatching, cross hatching shading.


Learning Value scale in drawing is essential. An artist is able to see more shadows and light falling on objects. This will help in creating still life drawings.  Also will help in photography also.

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