Art Muse

Art Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way

Art Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness from within us. What is Art? A conscious use of skill in the production of aesthetically useful objects in our daily life.  Communicating ideas visually.   A collection of skills acquired in the form of painting, sketching, sculpture digital, videography, photography to communicate ideas to people in visual form is called Arts. .... R.Rajasekhara. Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creative.  In mythology MUSE is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Every individual is an artist. Everyone creates and shines in a different and unique ways.  One must know the methods to bring out their ideas and represent them in 2 D or in 3D way. This is where drawing, sketching, crafts tutorials will help to enhance the ability to communicate  visually. Topics of this blog Games and Q uizzes DIY ...

Monochrome art

Monochrome art
 Monochrome art  

Flower drawing and colouring in Monochrome art
Mono means single. In this method the artist uses a single colour in their drawing, painting, colouring work. Using a single colour in different shades, tones are brought out in the picture by the artist.

Here is visual representation of monochrome art 

This is also called colour value art as using  one brings out different shades of a same colour.

Monochrome art covers many different forms like painting, photography, drawing and even sculpture. It can be made in one color or a variation of shades from the same hue (in other words, making the same color lighter or darker) and also in black and white.

Line visual element of design  Art muse
Monochrome Art
flower Pen  line Art Monochrome Art Art muse
Monochrome Art

How Monochrome art was started.
Monochrome art was started by artist Kazimir Malevich. 
Around 1913 Malevich started creating using simple  geometrical shapes rather than drawing detailed pictures. In 1917-1918 he painted monochrome pictures. He painted a white square on different white shade background.

Kazimir Malevich. Monochrome art. White squre on white background.
Kazimir Malevich

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