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How to become an Illustrator


How to Become an illustrator
how to become an illustrator

Who is an illustrator ?

An Illustrator is a person who creates 2 dimensional sketch on a paper using pen, pencil, brushes and in the present generation illustrator must also have digital drawing knowledge.

Skill development

To become an illustrator one must have strong drawing skills.

One must practice drawing daily to become a good illustrator. As you draw you start developing your own style of drawing.
Number drawing easy
Number drawing easy

 An illustrator must also keep themselves updated on how to work with digital software's like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel draw.

Illustrator must have good ability to understand verbal ideas of the clients and must be able to convert it into visual representations.

Must be able to adapt to changes quickly.

An illustrator must also learn time management and deliver artwork on time.

What qualification does an illustrator need?

If a person is gifted with drawing skills from birth, it is an advantage. Apart from this  to work as freelancer or in an agency one will require :

A good art portfolio with drawing done in different media and styles.

Diploma in Visual Arts 
Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts (B.F.A)

There are different types of Illustrators

 Freelance illustrator : The artist will take different drawing projects from companies and will work independently on their own. The artist in this way will have their own style of drawing.

Fashion illustrators: The artist will take on jobs sketching and drawing where clothes, shoes, accessories is showcased.

How to become an Illustrator secondary colours drawing
Children's book illustrators: The artist will create beautiful appealing characters based on the story given. The artist will have good knowledge of using colours to appeal to a child's mind.

Where to get degree as an illustrator

Here are links to various art colleges

Art colleges India

Design and art colleges list  USA

Arts Design programs  and fine arts courses list Canada

Art design and Architecture degree colleges Brazil

Art and Design colleges list Singapore

Art and design degree college list UK

Best Universities in Design Hong Kong