Art Muse

Art Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way

Art Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness from within us. What is Art? A conscious use of skill in the production of aesthetically useful objects in our daily life.  Communicating ideas visually.   A collection of skills acquired in the form of painting, sketching, sculpture digital, videography, photography to communicate ideas to people in visual form is called Arts. .... R.Rajasekhara. Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creative.  In mythology MUSE is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Every individual is an artist. Everyone creates and shines in a different and unique ways.  One must know the methods to bring out their ideas and represent them in 2 D or in 3D way. This is where drawing, sketching, crafts tutorials will help to enhance the ability to communicate  visually. Topics of this blog Games and Q uizzes DIY ...

Design Thinking Tools

We all know how to think.  In the field of design thinking one must know how to see a given situation from different angles. Here the end result is to create a design which can be marketed and be used by people effectively.

To create any design the designer and the team has to do lot of research. 
So what then is research?
Research helps the team to understand how to proceed in developing their idea into a functional product, the cost involved , how the public will benefit and use it, it also will help the team to innovate more on the given product. A good researcher looks beyond the obvious and looks under the surface for more information.
Any research investigation revolve around the following 5 core queries:  Why? How? Who? What? Where?

Here we have a set of design thinking tools and techniques to enhance a designers work. Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Implement are the steps.

Each step in design thinking has variuos rules and tools. Let us study one by one.

Step1  : Empathise, as Design Thinking Tools

The dictionary word for empathy is feeling for others needs. 
As  a designer you are designing for the people.

  • So develop a feeling for what people need.
  • Watch what people do in their natural environment. This will give insight on what to design.
Research Tools for Empathy are:
  •  User Interviews : This is face to face one on one Q/A session. The interview is a method for discovering facts and opinions held by potential users of the system being designed.  
  •  Focus Group : A moderated discussion with 5-8 people. One can learn the   users beliefs, attitude, desires, experiences and reaction to the   product.  During the focus group users tell you about their experiences or   expectations but you don‘t get to verify or observe these experiences
  •  Card Sorting : Designers can reach a large audience in this method. It iis   easy  method. One can use social media , online apps and websites to isert   the cards and to get response from users world wide.
  •  Enthographic research: This form of research  is more of studying the people   in everyday life scenarios. This will help the designer to understand how their design will fit in.
  • Shadowing : This method is observing people silently.
  • Surveys : Also called as questionnaires is one of the method to collect data . Survey asks same type of questions to large number of people. The answers are later analysed by the designers.

Step2 : Define, as design thinking tool

Define is the stage where one systematically thinks  through all the information gathered through surveys and interviews and card sorting and then with the information action is planned.

Research Tools for Define are:

Mind mapping is a visual design in itself. It helps in seeing the steps taken to achieve goals, short term targets and gives a bigger picture on how one is moving in a company towards fulfilling goals. 

Personas are based on user research (qualitative and quantitative) findings, they are like descriptions of actual people, allowing the project team to keep a vivid picture of each user group in mind throughout a project. 

Regularly, the following criteria are analysed:

  • The goals of your audience
  • The background in which your audience lives
  • Your audience’s age and gender
  • The behavior and habits of your audience
  • The pain points and needs
Step3 : Ideation, design thinking tool

Ideation is the process where you generate ideas and solutions through sessions such as Sketching, Prototyping, Brainstorming, Brain writing, Worst Possible Idea, and a wealth of other ideation techniques. 

Step4 : BrainStorming, design thinking tool

Brainstorming is collective group creativity discussion by people of different profession who gather to complete a given project or a design. The people involved can be from design, media, account, transport or from managerial department. More ideas and inputs are given here.

There are some rules one must follow to ensure good ideas are brought out.

  • .   Begin with a target problem/brief- Members should approach this sharply defined question, plan or goal and stay on topic.
  • .   Refrain from judgment/criticism - No-one should be negative (including via body language) about any idea.
  • .   Encourage all types ideas- Further to the ban on killer phrases like “too expensive”, keep the floodgates open so everyone feels free to blurt out ideas.
  • .   Build on others’ ideas - It’s a process of association where members expand on others’ notions and reach new insights.
  • .   Allow one conversation at a time - To arrive at concrete results, it’s essential to keep on track this way and show respect for everyone’s ideas.
  • .   Time limit. Mange your time and also respect everyone’s time. Come to an answer as quickly as possible, do not drag the meeting for days.


Design Thinking  tools and techniques makes it easier for a designer to follow the diverse steps that can be used to reach the target audience. Also one can understand the moods, trends and likes and dislikes of the customer.