Art Muse

Art Muse inspires creativeness in a professional way

Art Muse - A way to inspire uniqueness from within us. What is Art? A conscious use of skill in the production of aesthetically useful objects in our daily life.  Communicating ideas visually.   A collection of skills acquired in the form of painting, sketching, sculpture digital, videography, photography to communicate ideas to people in visual form is called Arts. .... R.Rajasekhara. Meaning of the word Muse: Someone or somethings which becomes a source for inspiration in arts and to be creative.  In mythology MUSE is a goddess who symbolised art and science. Synonym of the word  Muse: Consider, meditate, ponder, examine.... Every individual is an artist. Everyone creates and shines in a different and unique ways.  One must know the methods to bring out their ideas and represent them in 2 D or in 3D way. This is where drawing, sketching, crafts tutorials will help to enhance the ability to communicate  visually. Topics of this blog Games and Q uizzes DIY ...

Basics Art and design questions

 Basics Art and design questions 

Sets of formulated questions to learn design basics theory subject at basic level.

Faces asking questions clipart
Faces asking questions 

  Practical Work

   Being Creative

  What is mind mapping?

  What are the different types of mind map? Name them.

  How can students benefit from mind mapping. Give your opinion on this.

  Who coined the term Mind mapping?

  What do you understand by the term Brainstorming?

  What are the rules to be kept in mind during brainstorming sessions?

  What do you understand by out of the box thinking? Give two real life examples.

  What are the qualities of good visual thinker? Elaborate.

  How can we develop good observational skills?

 What do you mean by think out of the box?

 How do you a define a creative person?

Elements and Principles of design.

Define point, line, form, texture. Give examples of each element that is used in real    life.

 What do you mean by the term balance in design ?

 Elaborate the three different balances in design principles. 

What is the difference between Elements of design and Principles of design?

What do you understand by the term Principles of Design?


Design Disciplines

What is design discipline? Explain in your own words.

 How Is sketching important in fashion designing?

 What kind of employment you can get as graphic designer?

 What kind of designs will you create if you are a furniture designer?

 What is the difference between textile designer and fashion designer?

Design Process Steps

What do you understand by creative process in design?

 Explain all the steps in the process

What are the qualities needed to become a good designer?

How can I become creative and be full of ideas?


What do you mean by the term typography?

What do you mean by expressive typography?

Name two web sites where you can sell fonts online.

What are the classification of fonts? Explain.

Name two types of fonts used in the present in  sans serif group the present day.

Explain all the features of the fonts.

Design a complete set of english letters having a nature theme.

Read more :  Advanced Arts and Design facts

Face asking questions icon clipart
Face asking questions